Brian Edwards

Digital Ghost Project

  A profile (from MySpace/Facebook or whatever) that remains active after a person has died.
     reuabag. January 1st, 2011. Urban Dictionary

This website was created for a number of purposes that I will list below:

  • To store my final images, video and content in their original, intended state.
    (Looking at you, Facebook)
  • That will not go bankrupt or obsolte.
    (I still miss you, Tom from Myspace)
  • A website that will not require updates and still be very difficult to hack.
    (I don't miss you, Wordpress)
  • A website that will live on once the farm is paid off.

Social media and other hosting platforms are enjoyable and they do work very well, though, I've found that I mostly just use the services to keep an album of events and things that I've done. I also find I really only retain the use of my social media accounts because I would miss the photos and media I've shared. The purpose of creating this website is to have an environment where I can share unadulterated content without extra compression and descaling.

One of my favorite social media platforms was, and still is, Myspace. I found the freedom to generate a unique personal page and view other's pages to be very fun. Though, as we all know, it went obsolete and so did the history and photo albums of my teens and early twenties. For that reason, a host and specific coding is required to ensure the long-term survival of this site.

Content Management System (CMS) sites are good, especially when you work in large teams or you want a more point-and-click way of publishing. Though, I have found that nearly every wordpress, joomla, drupal site has been hacked if it is not kept up-to-date on a regular basis. This also includes the countless plugins and extensions that, when they are no longer maintained, will result in a large portion of the functionality of your site going fubar... or taking down the entire site all together. I'm also reminded of a time when Steve Jobs wrote and released "Thoughts on Flash", on April 29th, 2010, countless sites (newgrounds, kongregate, etc) were lost and careers changed, except for those that didn't have, or were proficient, in Adobe Flash. This site is built with this in mind.

Lastly, in combination of a solid host and solid coding practices, might as well make it a digital ghost that will live on long past me...